Spelling/Vocabulary List: 10/15

pharaoh: the title of the kings of ancient Egypt

dynasty: a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group

regent: someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule

exposition: first stage in the plot of a typical story

climax: point of greatest interest in the story, problem is resolved

conflict: struggle between opposing forces

resolution: stage in the story where plot is drawing to a close

Agenda: October 5 - 9

Monday, October 5

Tuesday, October 6
Cause and Effect Final Draft due today

Wednesday, October 7
Skills Mastery
School Play

Thursday, October 8
School Play

Friday, October 9
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
School Play QAR

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 10/09

exponents: tells you how many times number, or base, is used as a factor

cataract: a large waterfall; any strong flood or rush of water

delta: a plain at the mouth of a river, formed when sediment is deposited by flowing water

silt: fine soil found on river bottoms

agonize: to suffer extreme physical or mental pain

emerge: to come into view

dislodge: to move from a settled position

Agenda: September 28 - October 2

Monday, September 28
Nouns Revisited HW

Tuesday, September 29
Settings in Stories

Wednesday, September 30
Skills Mastery
The Jacket

Thursday, October 1
Organization in Writing

Friday, October 2
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Cause and Effect Rough Draft due today
Final Draft due Tuesday

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 10/02

smirk: to smile in an insulting way

relentless: refusing to stop or give up

diaspora: scattering of people who have a common background or beliefs

prophet: a religious teacher who is regarded as someone who speaks for God or for a god

covenant: a promise made by God

corrupt: to cause something to change from good to bad

ponder: to think seriously about; reflect on

Agenda: September 21 - 25

Monday, September 21
Cause and Effect

Tuesday, September 22
Three Little Pigs HW

Wednesday, September 23
Skills Mastery
The Jacket

Thursday, September 24
Settings in Stories

Friday, September 25
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Cause and Effect
Short Story Rough Draft

Agenda: September 14 - 18

Monday, September 14

Tuesday, September 15
1. Nouns
2. Nouns
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Reading Comprehension

Wednesday, September 16
Skills Mastery

Thursday, September 17
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Reading Comprehension
3. Nouns
4. Nouns

Friday, September 18
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Worksheet: Nouns

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 09/25

gas: matter that has no definite volume or shape

solid: matter that has a definite volume and shape

liquid: matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape

bazaar: a market selling different kinds of goods

bizarre: unconventional and far-fetched

cuneiform: groups of wedges and lines used to write several languages

generic: having no particularly distinctive or noteworthy quality

Worksheet: Nouns DUE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21

This worksheet is due on Monday, September 21. Download the worksheet here: front and back.

Agenda: September 7 - 11

Monday, September 7

Tuesday, September 8
MAP Testing

Wednesday, September 9
Skills Mastery
Peer Edit Rough Drafts HW

Thursday, September 10

Friday, September 11
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Final Draft for Ideas
Worksheet: Nouns HW

Worksheet: Nouns

This worksheet is due on Monday, September 14. Download the worksheet here: front and back.

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 09/18

September 14 - September 18

polytheism: belief in many gods

myth: traditional story; in some cultures, a legend that explains people's beliefs

expect: to look forward to something that is likely to occur

accept: to receive something, as in a gift

except: other than; but

contempt: the feeling produced by something disgraceful or worthless

Agenda: August 31 - September 4

Monday, August 31
Character Analysis

Tuesday, September 1
Character Analysis

Wednesday, September 2
Skills Mastery
Character Activity

Thursday, September 3
Ideas in Writing

Friday, September 4
Spelling/Vocabulary Test
Writing RO for Ideas

Agenda: August 24 - 28

Monday, August 24
Multiple Intelligence Inventory

Tuesday, August 25
Set Up Notebooks

Wednesday, August 26
Skills Mastery

Thursday, August 27
All-American Slurp

Friday, August 28
All-American Slurp
First Spelling List Handed Out

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 09/10

September 8 - September 11

mixture: two or more substances together in the same place but not chemically combined to form a new substance, nor is it in a specific ratio

nomad: a person who has no settled home

domesticate: to adapt wild plants for human use; to tame wild animals and breed them for human use

fertile: rich in the substances plants need to grow well; describes soil and land

lavishly: in a rich or plentiful way; abundantly

mortified: ashamed; humiliated

spectacle: public display of bad behavior

Spelling/Vocabulary List: 09/04

August 31 - September 4

element: a substance that cannot be broken down into any other substance

compound: a substance that is made up of two or more elements chemically combined to a specific ratio

archaeologist: a scientist who examines objects to learn about the human past

geography: the study of Earth's surface and the processes that shape it

etiquette: the practice of social manners

cope: to struggle to overcome difficulties

consumption: the act of taking in, eating or drinking

Worksheet: All-American Slurp

Download the worksheet: front and back.

Bring Supplies for Tuesday, August 25

3-ring binder
5 dividers
loose-leaf notebook paper
pen or pencil

Policies and Procedures

Download a copy here.